The audience of the Off-Farm Income Podcast is made up of a 100% identifiable demographic – people who are devoted to farming, ranching and agriculture.

These are all people who voluntarily listened to episodes of the Off-Farm Income Podcast and then decided to come back for more.  We believe that this creates a powerful opportunity for you as an advertiser.  How often do you have the opportunity to advertise to a 100%, pre-identified demographic and know the exact reach that you are receiving, and then scale the cost of that advertising to that reach?

On the Off-Farm Income Podcast you have multiple options to become a sponsor:

National Reach – become a national sponsor and receive testimonial advertising that is heard by every listener to the Off-Farm Income Podcast on all six episodes per week and every time that back episodes are downloaded.

Regional Reach – Are you looking to deliver a message so a specific state, metro area or region of the U.S.?  We have the ability to provide you a platform to do just that, scaled to the size of the audience you are reaching.

Customizable Plans – We can run campaigns for you that end on a certain date or end after a certain level of exposure so you know exactly what you are receiving.

The Off-Farm Income Podcast Statistics Are IAB Certified

All of our statistics are independently verified by IAB, so you know that the reach you are receiving lives up to podcasting industry standards.

Look at the results we were able to get for a national client running a pre-roll ad for a three week period:

The possibilities are too many to list!  I am happy to have a conversation with you about how we can serve you.  Feel free to email anytime to set up a consult.

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OFI 2058: Watching Your Livestock On Your Computer Screen | David Philpot | Mapipedia | Re-Cap Episode

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