What We Offer:


Agricultural audiences are unique. Only 2% of the population have jobs that directly involve agriculture. Whomever advises you on sharing your message had better be able to “talk agriculture”, and very few people in the United States can do that.

There is no company in the nation with more experience creating episodes and developing agricultural audiences than Off-Farm Income. When you decide that it is time for your company to have its own podcast, we will guide you through the process. We will train you on everything including what equipment to purchase, how to speak on a microphone, selecting a host, and how develop and publish content.

We will work with you from the moment you decide to share your message through a podcast, to the moment that you publish your first episode and until you are self-sufficient (about six months).

Professional, Agricultural Podcast Hosting & Production

Off-Farm Income’s custom podcast service offers a comprehensive array of options for agricultural and agriculturally related corporations, businesses and individuals. Everything from editing and production to hosting and interviewing are offered.

You Need A Knowledgeable And Trusted Voice In The Agricultural Community

If You Don’t Have A Host, Matt Brechwald Can Fill That Role For You

In agriculture, trust and know-how, go hand in hand. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural experts are quick to “tune out” when it is obvious that the person they are listening to doesn’t have real world, “dirt under the fingernails” knowledge.

Matt Brechwald is a trusted voice in the world of agricultural podcasting and broadcasting with the real-world experience to make your podcast a valuable resource for your consumers and stakeholders.

Here is what Ginny Berg, Communications Specialist with the National FFA Organization has to say about working with Matt Brechwald:

“Matt Brechwald is a welcome addition to the correspondent crew for our weekly “FFA Today” radio program on RURAL RADIO SiriusXM Channel 147. His unscripted, conversational style of interviewing draws me into the discussion, and he asks pointed follow-up questions that fill in gaps in the story – something that not every interviewer does. Matt shows genuine interest in each and every person he interviews.”

Matt owns an agricultural business, raises livestock on his family farm and is passionate about agriculture. During high school and while obtaining his degree in animal science from Montana State University Matt worked on several cattle operations, sold agriculture chemicals for Zeneca Agricultural Products and did field work for Crop Production Services. Matt has worked in all aspects of farming and ranching and can “talk ag.”

Every Agricultural Company Should Have Their Own Podcast

Podcasting Is Not Just About Advertising

Those of us who not only work in agriculture but consider it a treasured lifestyle need to communicate our message to the public. It is good business to tell your own story, so it is told correctly. And, those of us who rely on agriculture have an obligation to be ambassadors to our industry.

Manage Your Companies Image Like Never Before

Imagine there is mis-information being spread about your company that you need to combat. You can create a media release and give it to all the outlets you hope will talk about or print it. Even if they do run the story, the amount of your story that can be fit into a news report or newspaper column is limited. It only gives you the chance to respond, not to really educate.

Imagine if one of your stakeholders who heard the mis-information came to your office and spoke to somebody for 30-45 minutes about the issue and gave your company the opportunity to really make them understand what it was that you were doing or how you do it. If that person took the time to have that conversation with your company they would walk away understanding that what they had been hearing was false.

A podcast gives you the ability to have this same conversation with all your stakeholders, every week. You can create a podcast that becomes an outlet for the good things that your company does and start building an audience. When you know that a particular practice is controversial you can start educating people about what you do and why you do it before there is ever a crisis to respond to.

If something unexpected happens that requires your immediate response, you still respond through traditional means, but in addition to that you can direct all media outlets and their viewers, readers and listeners to your podcast. In your podcast you can tell the whole story, not just a snapshot that fits into a 30 second story line.

Every agricultural company needs an advocate. And who better to advocate for your company than you?

A Podcast Is The Best Way To Reach People In Agriculture

Farmers, ranchers and agricultural service providers are people on the go. They work hard and long hours. They are outside, in the cab of a pickup, driving a tractor or hauling product in a semi. Simply put, agricultural people do not sit at a desk all day, and they don’t spend much time in front of a computer at home.

So, how can you get your message to these people? There really is only one way, and that is to offer them content that they can consume that does not require the use of their hands or eyes. That means that magazines, books and blog posts are out.

Podcasts solve this dilemma perfectly. The farmer who is out irrigating in the morning can be listening to your show on the telephone in his shirt pocket. The rancher checking calves can have you on the pickup stereo. The crop advisor looking at fields can take you with her as she pulls soil samples.

Podcasting As A Marketing Tool?

Of all the modalities available to deliver your message today, nothing can do for you what podcasting can. Every other method of communicating with your target audience falls short when compared.

Podcasts are the ultimate content marketing tool. Hearing the voice of the host develops trust and rapport with the listener. Providing interesting content to your listeners is a free service that they enjoy, week after week. This makes them want to buy from you because they are grateful for the show you have been providing for them.

With podcast audiences growing by about 20% per year, this will keep your sales funnel full.

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