OFI 019: FFA SAE Edition | Dan Chabot | What Is An SAE? | National FFA


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OFI 019: FFA SAE Edition | Dan Chabot | What Is An SAE? | National FFA

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Dan Chabot is the Education Specialist for SAE Based Awards at the National FFA Organization.  This week I spent some quality time with Dan talking about SAE’s (Supervised Agricultural Experiences).  We discussed what they are, why they are important, how students can get assistance with funding and some ideas for future projects.

I wanted to have Dan on as I launch this new FFA SAE segment so that our listeners who are not members of FFA would have a clear understanding of how this works.  In this new segment you will be hearing from a lot of students who are doing some pretty impressive things in Ag. Business.  It is important to understand where the stimulus for these projects come from and why they are valued so highly by the FFA.

Also, the FFA, like so many other organizations, can use your help.  At the very least there are scholarship opportunities for students to allow them to start businesses for their SAE projects.  Your contributions can ad to the number of scholarships available.  I truly believe that once you understand what the FFA is striving to teach these impressive young women and men, and once you see how innovative and impressive these students are, that you will want to support this cause.

FFA is is going to be a major contributor to the future of our rural communities.  In particular, their efforts to teach students about entrepreneurship.  As job availability in rural areas become smaller and smaller, those who want to live there will have to be creative with how they create income.  Entrepreneurship will be the primary way this gets done.  The roots of that entrepreneurship can be found in the FFA, through SAE’s.


Office Phone: 317-802-4233
Fax: 317-802-5233

Email: dchabot@ffa.org

Twitter: @DanChabot14


National FFA Organization

Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE’s)

Support FFA 

Donate to FFA – One way that FFA students are able to start small businesses is through an FFA grant of $1,000.  In 2014, 141 FFA students received these grants.  With your donations, more students can get this head start – pay it forward.


  • Only 2% of Americans grow and raise most of the food and livestock consumed by the other 98% as well as the rest of the world.  FFA is providing the needed education, training and resources to Americans that will carry that torch forward and insure that America continues to have inexpensive, quality food.
  • Rural Communities will rely on entrepreneurship in the future for population growth and job creation.  The FFA is a major catalyst to that entrepreneurial growth.
  • Farmers, ranchers and those working in agriculture give the rest of America incredible amounts of freedom because the search for food is as simple as going to the grocery store:

“Because American farmers are able to provide for so many of us, they give more and more of us the freedom to pursue goals and livelihoods beyond growing the food we need to survive.”

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack 


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