A Bit About Us And Our Family:

Hello and thank you for visiting Off Farm Income’s website! My name is Matt Brechwald, and I am the creator and host of the show.  My wife Autumm and I operate a 25 acre farm in Kuna, Idaho. With the help of Autumm, and our daughter, Hattie.  We run a small cow/calf operation, raise goats and pigs.  Our livestock, except for the goats, are direct marketed.  This farm and our first agricultural business, Idaho Gopher Control, were the inspirations for the podcast.  Autumm and I have been married for 22 years, and Hattie is 14 years old. Autumm works as a school teacher off of the farm, and Hattie is active in the FFA, JROTC and softball.


For 15 years I was on a path to be a career police officer until I accepted that my passion for that career had passed and I was only staying with the position for external benefits such as medical and retirement. In 2011 Autumm and I bought our first farm, fulfilling a lifelong dream and goal. In 2012 we started our first business, Idaho Gopher Control. And, in 2013 I finally left the police department and broke out of the “golden handcuffs (pun intended)” for a new adventure in farming and entrepreneurship.

This journey and transition has been life altering and unbelievably powerful. The impact on my life, health and happiness has been profound, and I want to share this with you. I was so overjoyed the first time I made a dollar based on one of my own ideas and so awed when I learned that all the talk I heard about the lifestyles possible for entrepreneurs was true, that I wanted all of my friends to do the same thing! The only problem with that plan was you cannot convince other people to do what you have done. You have to find people who are already trying to do what what you have done and then teach them.

Most people are not willing to take the leap, even if they are miserable in their full time careers. The myth of job security is so strong that some will never break out of it. I took the metaphorical “blue pill” and I am so glad I did. Now I use this website and the Off Farm Income Podcast to help me search for those like minded individuals who want to make the same transition. I want to share what I know, what I have learned and what I continue to learn with you! I want you to achieve great success and happiness. I want to show you that it is possible! I want to help you find that business that will be a vessel to your new life. Thank you for coming this far and finding me! Now let’s meet. Please join me six times per week on the Off Farm Income Podcast. Email me your questions or call. I want to hear from you, and I want to give you valuable information that is going to help you transition your life in the way I did mine.

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OFI 2072: The Other Pivot In Agriculture | Why Businesses That Survive Are The Businesses That Change | Re-Cap Episode

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